Syslinux LUA User Guide ======================= Marcel Ritter Invocation ---------- Running +lua.c32+ only results in an interactive shell. ...................................................... KERNEL lua.c32 ...................................................... By using the +APPEND+ parameter you can specify a lua script to be executed: ...................................................... KERNEL lua.c32 APPEND /testit.lua ...................................................... Modules ------- Modules must be explicitly loaded into the namespace before use, for example: ...................................................... local sl = require "syslinux" ...................................................... Using +local+, as above, is good practice in scripts, but it must be omitted when working interactively. SYSLINUX ~~~~~~~~ version():: Return the Syslinux version string. derivative():: Return the running Syslinux derivative (the string +ISOLINUX+, +PXELINUX+ or +SYSLINUX+). sleep(s):: Sleep for +s+ seconds. msleep(ms):: Sleep for +ms+ milliseconds. run_command(command):: Execute syslinux command line +command+. + _Example_: ...................................................... local sl = require "syslinux" sl.run_command "memdisk initrd=/dos/BIOS/FSC-P7935-108.img raw" ...................................................... run_default():: Execute the default command in the configuration. local_boot(type):: Do a local boot. The +type+ values are described in the documentation of the LOCALBOOT configuration item. final_cleanup(flags):: Restore sane hardware and software status before booting. If +flags+ is 3, keep the PXE and UNDI stacks in memory (see the _keeppxe_ option). Only needed in special circumstances. boot_linux(kernel[,cmdline]):: Load and boot the Linux kernel at path +kernel+. Initramfs images are loaded according to the +initrd+ option in +cmdline+. The +BOOT_IMAGE+ parameter is added to the command line with the value of +kernel+. IMAGE_TYPE:: A table mapping the various kernel type strings to the integer +type+ parameter of +run_kernel_image()+. run_kernel_image(kernel, cmdline, ipappend_flags, type):: Load the specified +kernel+ and run it with +cmdline+. See also the documentation of the IPAPPEND configuration item; +type+ is one of the values of the +IMAGE_TYPE+ table. loadfile(filename):: Return a _file_ object with the contents of file +filename+ loaded. Its methods are: size()::: Return the size of a loaded _file_. name()::: Return the name of a loaded _file_. initramfs():: Return an empty _initramfs_ object. Its methods are: load(filename)::: Load contents of +filename+ into an _initramfs_ and return the extended object. add_file(filename[,data[,do_mkdir[,mode]]])::: Add +filename+ of +mode+ containing +data+ to an _initramfs_ and return the extended object. If +do_mkdir+, create parent directories, too. +mode+ defaults to 7*64+5*8+5 (which is 0755 in octal). size()::: Returns the current size of an _initramfs_. boot_it(kernel[,initramfs,[cmdline]]):: Boot the loaded +kernel+ (a _file_ object) with an optional +initramfs+ (an _initramfs_ object or +nil+) and +cmdline+. _Example_: ...................................................... local sl = require "syslinux" kernel = sl.loadfile "/SuSE-11.1/x86_64/linux" print("File name: " .. kernel:name() .. " size: " .. kernel:size()) initrd1 = "/SuSE-11.1/x86_64/initrd" initrd = sl.initramfs() initrd:load(initrd1) print ("File name: " .. initrd1 .. " size: " .. initrd:size()) sl.boot_it(kernel, initrd, "init=/bin/bash") ...................................................... KEY:: Table containing the return values of +get_key()+ for special (eg. function) keys. KEY_CTRL(key):: Return the code for the Ctrl-modified version of the given ASCII code. get_key(timeout):: Wait at most +timeout+ ms for a key press. Return the ASCII code of the pressed key, some other value of the +KEY+ table, or +KEY.NONE+ on timeout. config_file():: Return the path of the current config file. ipappend_strs():: Return the table of SYSAPPEND (formerly IPAPPEND) strings. See also the documentation of those configuration items. reboot([warm_boot]):: Reboot. If +warm_boot+ is nonzero, perform a warm reboot. DMI ~~~ supported():: Return true if DMI is supported on machine, false otherwise. gettable():: Return DMI info as a nested table. _Example_: ...................................................... local sl = require "syslinux" local dmi = require "dmi" if (dmi.supported()) then dmitable = dmi.gettable() for k,v in pairs(dmitable) do print(k, v) end print(dmitable.system.manufacturer) print(dmitable.system.product_name) print(dmitable.bios.bios_revision) if ( string.match(dmitable.system.product_name, "ESPRIMO P7935") ) then print("Matches") sl.run_command("memdisk initrd=/dos/BIOS/FSC-P7935-108.img raw") else print("Does not match") sl.run_command("memdisk initrd=/dos/BIOS/FSC-P7935-108.img raw") end end ...................................................... PCI ~~~ getinfo():: Return the table of all PCI devices, keyed by the device index. Each device is described by a table of its properties. getidlist(filename):: Load a tab separated list of PCI IDs and their description. Sample files can be found here: _Example_: ...................................................... local pci = require "pci" pciids = pci.getidlist("/pci.ids") for dind, device in pairs (pci.getinfo()) do local vendor = string.format ("%04x", device.vendor) local main_id = vendor .. string.format ("%04x", device.product) local sub_id = string.format ("%04x%04x", device.sub_vendor, device.sub_product) io.write (string.format ("%s:%s = %s %s (%s)\n", main_id, sub_id, pciids[vendor], pciids[main_id], pciids[main_id .. sub_id] or "unknown subdevice")) end ...................................................... VESA ~~~~ getmodes():: Return list of available VESA modes. + _Example_: ...................................................... local vesa = require "vesa" for mind,mode in pairs(vesa.getmodes()) do print (string.format ("%04x: %dx%dx%d", mode.mode, mode.hres, mode.vres, mode.bpp)) end ...................................................... setmode():: Set the 640x480 VESA mode. load_background(filename):: Load +filename+ (a PNG, JPEG or LSS-16 format image), and tile it as background image. The text already present is not erased. _Example_: ...................................................... local sl = require "syslinux" local vesa = require "vesa" vesa.setmode() vesa.load_background "sample2.jpg" for c in string.gmatch ("Hello World! - VESA mode", ".") do io.write (c) sl.msleep(200) end vesa.load_background "PXE-RRZE_small.jpg" sl.sleep(3) ......................................................